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Noni Powder - Antioxidant Super Fruit - Cellular & Adjunctive Tissue Support*

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
Animal Vitamins & Supplements

NONIis a small fruiting tree which grows plentifully in various regions of the Amazon tropical rain forests. It is used for a variety of conditional needs in South American traditional medical system for millennia but was first cultivated in the South Pacific and Asia and now grows in many tropical regions.

Researched documented natural plant actions include:

Strongly antioxidant, immunologic (stimulates immune system), adaptogenic, anti-mutagenic (scavenges irregular tissues), anti-tumoural activity (novel polysaccharide rich noni-ppt), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, analgesic (pain relieving), anxiolytic (anti stress), anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-hypertensive (mildly lowers blood pressure), anti-Candidal, endocrine support (stimulates two major hormones called serotonin and melatonin and the pineal gland for thyroid support)

NONI is used in South American traditional medical systems to help support cellular life and cellular health throughout the body but also to help protect cell membranes (the body's cellular guards?) charged with protecting every cell in a mammal's body from being destroyed by unhealthy cells.

Cellular integrity is one of the pinnacles of health. All modern diseases are examples of immune failure and healthy cellular death. NONI may work to not only protect healthy cells, but to also help decontaminate and standardize healthy cell life when cells have been damaged or compromised.

You have probably heard about the importance of supporting balanced immunity, and likely also have heard about free radicals. When immune health has been compromised, it means, in part, that an immune failure has occurred, allowing free radicals to attack healthy cells in the body, causing cell death. Maintaining cell membrane health is critical to disease prevention.

Strongly antioxidant, NONI may not only inhibit free radical damage leveled against healthy cells but also help support necessary waste and toxin elimination.

If you consider conditions such as lipomas, cancer, Lyme disease and arthritis, each of these occur when immune health has been compromised and healthy cells and DNA are destroyed by excessive free radical activity.

NONI is an herbal adaptogen. An adaptogen is a highly specialized natural plant which helps carry out an alternative change in the body when balance has been disrupted. We call this the 3 R Function-in that an adaptogen helps READ deficiency and dysfunction in body systems, works to help REPAIR phytochemically and nutritionally and helps RESTORE balance in body systems.

Available in 2 Oz. Shakers and 4 Oz. and 8 oz. pouches.

style="font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: 'Helvetica','sans-serif'; color: black;">None reported. Possibly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets and puppies and kittens.

Drug Interactions

May interact with medications for high blood pressure that can increase potassium levels in the blood and may cause excess potassium in the blood. May decrease how well warfarin (Coumadin) works to slow blood clotting and could increase the chance of blood clotting.


Use caution if your pet has diabetes or liver or kidney disease.

Directions for Use

Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.

Pet's Weight Amount 1x Daily

1-10 lbs 1/8 tsp 11-25 lbs 1/4 tsp 26-50 lbs 1/2 tsp 51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp 76+ lbs 1 tsp Use for at least 30 days to see initial results.